Mary C. - Tutor
ESL/ESOL Teacher
![Mary C. - Tutor](https://dj1hlxw0wr920.cloudfront.net/userfiles/wyzfiles/cac77208-2e85-495c-a89f-2f4507d7bfef.jpg)
Personal Statement
I am a recently retired ESL/ESOL/ELL Teacher. I've taught Beginning through Advanced ESL Adult Classes for 18 years in Fairfax County and in the Spotsylvania County Adult Regional Education Programs. I have experience in teaching large classes (25 students) and small classes (10 students), and am currently teaching a smaller class (5 students) for the Loudoun County Literacy Council. The adult students in this current class present a particular challenge in that they are illiterate in their n...
Mary C. Subjects
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